Definition of Water Customer Categories

A. Residential
This category refers to customers using water purely for domestic purposes. It is applicable to residential houses, student hostels, care homes registered under law and care facilities registered under law.

B. Non-Residential
This category refers to small and medium scale non-domestic customers that use water for drinking and sanitary purposes only, including churches, mosques, faith-based organisations, registered non-profit organisations, schools, hospitals, barbering shops, welding, carpentry and allied businesses, water sellers, shops and offices including firms and retailers.

C. Commercial
This category includes entities/businesses that use water as a significant input in their operations other than for drinking and sanitary purposes such as hotels, restaurants, chop bars, fuel stations, airports, financial institutions, washing bays, laundries, block factories, hair and beauty salons and public toilets.

D. Commercial Bottled Water and Drinks Producers
This category includes bottled water producers, drink producers, breweries and beverage producers.

E. Sachet Water Producers
This category refers exclusively to sachet water producers.

F. Industrial
This category includes factories and industries for whom water comprises the main or a significant input for production such as heating and cooling, mixing and blending, assembling and fabrication, and cleaning in their production chain. This is applicable to factories and industries that engage in manufacturing, power generation, chemical processing, food production, mining and extraction, textile manufacturing, petroleum refining companies, pharmaceutical production, abattoir, poultry farm, pulp and paper production, automotive manufacturing, chemical storage and distribution, electronics manufacturing, waste treatment and recycling facilities, construction and infrastructure development.

G. Public Institutions/ Government Departments
This category includes First Cycle, Second Cycle and Tertiary Government Institutions, Metropolitan/Municipal/District Assemblies, Ministries/Department/Agencies, Municipal Sewer Treatment Plant, State Security Services, etc.

H. Public Standpipe
This category includes individuals registered with Ghana Water Company Ltd. (GWCL) who sell water to the community or public from a public standpipe.

I. Ports and Harbours
This category includes all facilities inside ports & harbours.

J. Bulk Supply 
This category includes a customer who purchases water in bulk from GWCL either at the production or transmission point for distribution and sale to the purchaser’s customers.

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